Help Curls Grow Out Quicker
Try our newest package to stimulate growth and encourage long healthy hair
Help Me Grow – $65
Give your curls room to grow by removing product buildup and dead skin cells. Our coffee scrub will stimulate new hair growth which will then be followed by a deep treatment to hydrate curls and help prevent split ends it is then followed by a curly set. For best results we encourage weekly or bi-weekly treatments.
At home cant visit the salon? Try these methods
A curly girl can feel like the grow out process takes forever!!! Try these tried and true grow out techniques from curl stylists that will help your curly locks grow longer and quicker.
Go Sulfate Free
Sulfates strip too much of your natural oils off your curls. This leaves you with frizzy big curls and in need of loading extra product to tame down expansion. Switch to sulfate free shampoo or a co wash for maximum hydration. if you want the squeaky clean feel of freshly clarified curls with out the stripping effect try Devas new Buildup Buster. Gives great lift at the root and removes product build up as well as winter dandruff and flaking.
Use Primer
Primers keep curls looking hydrated because… they are more hydrated. Use a primer such as Iso Tamer Foam or It’s a Ten Miracle Leave In under your gel or styling cream to promote a smoother curl pattern and help repair thirsty strands.
Take Your Vitamins
If you haven’t been taking your vitamins… START! If you have been taking them all along but feel stuck, switch brands just to mix it up. adding Biotin is always a tried and true do it with fresh foods or as a vitamin. Talk with your doctor for recommendations but we find at least 5000 mcg of Biotin a good match for most. Prenatal vitamins are also a great go to even when your not expecting.

Rake Method
Use the Rake Method
Use only the rake method to style curls don’t flip over and scrunch. The rake method pulls the curls down and helps curls appear longer and reduces the spring up effect.
Method: Using fingertips pull product though curls roots to ends.
Go over each section at least 3 times with finger tips to stretch curls you can comb product in for flatter result. Gently shake each section to loosen. Allow to dry with out touching. See a Ouidad Video here for Rake and Shake
When your ready to break the cast gently shake out or squeeze curls flipping over minimally to reduce shrink up.
Your style wont hold unless you use great products that help with controlling expansion try Curlfection Firm Hold Cream Gel – Ouidad Climate Control Gel – Moroccan Oil Curl Cream.
Get A Dusting
Hair stylists understand when you say “a dusting” it means you don’t want to see any hair on the floor. We get it! Stick to a 12 week schedule even when you really don’t want to it really does help. When you take off just the split ends at the bottom it stops the split from happening.
When you skip out on your stylist for a few months “to let it grow” the splits keep traveling up which will keep curls from gaining in length which acctually slow down the grow out process and for some completely stop it.
Adding layers on top and sides can pull up the height on top and help drop the bottom layers down. Speak with a stylist about what’s right for you.
Deep Treatments
Hydrated moisture rich curls don’t promote split ends. Keep hair hydrated weekly with a deep treatment. try Its a Ten Miracle Hair Mask its one of our favorites. A great time saver is to sleep in this deep treatment over night or apply before going to the beach and just rinse and style when you are able.
When choosing a mask or deep treatment watch the Protein content. Products that make hair “stronger” usually have added protein. Too much protein makes locks stiff and can snap ends. These treatments are usually recommend no longer than a 10 min processes time.
Have fine curls? Try a Step 3 Olaplex treatment. Only takes 10 minutes seals ends and adds shine with out weight.
Contributors: Styling staff